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The Student Activities program represents a key component of the middle school curriculum. Activities focus on the development of social and physical skills and provide a wide range of activities that are based upon the interests and physical needs of middle school students. 

Check back closer to the start of school for a full list of activities offered!

All students who plan to stay for an after-school activity will need to pay a one-time “Activity Fee” of $20. The activity fee is $10 for students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals.  To pay fees online, please access the portal.

Activity days and times are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:10-4:00 beginning September 3rd. Bus transportation is provided to students eligible for regular bus services. 

Students will utilize the One Stop Shop icon on their iPad to see the activities offered each day and sign up. Students must sign-up by 1pm in order to attend an after-school activity. Your student can use the activity calendar on this website to plan ahead.

Some examples of activities we will offer this year: Intramurals like basketball, volleyball, and soccer, Art Club, Books and Board Games Club, and academic labs to help your students stay on top of their  work. 

Students  can create clubs, too! They just need to find other kids who want to join and an adult to sponsor. If they can't find a sponsor but want to start a club, they should talk with their counselor. Many of our most popular clubs have been student-created!

Students can attend one or all of the days an activity is offered.  With only a few exceptions (like 8th grade basketball or a closed team like Robotics), all  activities are open to any  student.

The activities  calendar is published on our website and is highlighted in every Wednesday newsletter.

Note:  Students who spend the day in in-school suspension are not permitted to stay after school for any activity on that day. Students serving an out-of-school suspension are not permitted to attend any activities during the suspension.